Unpacking Love!
The 18th of December 2014 was one milestone of a big journey. Over 9000 parcels from many places in Germany as well as in Austria set out for Albania to bring the message of Christmas, joy and happiness to ADRA Albania’s beneficiaries. Those are living in rural areas, in orphanages and Roma communities.
On this certain day ADRA provided parcels to the members of the Roma community in Fushë Kruja.
In preparation for that event, facilitator Mira had listed all the names of the families that had applied for parcels. Only this enabled the ADRA staff to enter the community step by step and to distribute the parcels in an organized way – nobody was forgotten and all the parcels could be given away.
ADRA started the distribution in the beginning of the community but the message of our coming spread very fast all over it. After some minutes, the children came from everywhere to get and to see the lovely designed parcels.
But they had to wait patiently to get their own, personal chocolate, bag, dress, shirt, tooth brush or toy.
One or the other kid even got a special gift like a flute or earmuffs. Pencils, school books and rulers will be helpful for them in school.
All the parents showed their thankfulness to the providers from ADRA and the children were mostly running around in
Two girls even dressed up like Santa Claus and waited for their parcels in front of their house.
On our way back we could already play the first games with the children and their new acquired treasures.