“Real men are feminist.”
“Real men are feminist.”
Written with a yellow felt pen, this message is proudly displayed among the posters that the young activists created for the special occasion. Albania improved significantly in
advancing the normative framework for gender equality in the past five years and ranked 20 among 153 countries in the Global Gender Gap Index of the World Economic Forum in 2020[1]. But even though more women have a university degree compared to men, they don’t line up with their professional qualifications and are widely less represented in the labor force[2]. Moreover, gender-based violence remains widespread in the country and affects more than 50 percent of women, and challenges the integrity of all women and girls.[3]
School awareness campaigns are essential to build up a new generation of aware and enlightened Albanian citizens. And by infusing the motto that any change is possible as long as we fight for it, Sava is giving back to these teenargers their confidence and so they can, very soon, be part of the decisions taken by policymakers.
[1] https://www.weforum.org/reports/gender-gap-2020-report-100-years-pay-equality
[2] INSTAT (2020). Labour Market 2019. See: http://www.instat.gov.al/en/publications/books/2020/labour-market-2019/
[3] UN Women (2020). Albania Country Gender Equality Brief 2020. Prepared by Monika Kocaqi, Agustela Nini-Pavli, Ani Plaku and Dolly Wittberger