At Easter, ADRA Albania was very happy to welcome volunteers from the Finnish town Tampere. This group of teenagers, parents and teachers spent 2 weeks in Albania to support us in our Health Education Project. While the ADRA staff explained Health issues to the mothers, the Finnish volunteers gave the children education about hygiene, nutrition and healthy living.

They showed all the children in the mountain villages that Health can be fun! A crazy doctor invented a machine that enlarges everything you put inside – so a 100 times larger finger showed all the bacteria and dirt that we carry under our nails if we don’t wash our hands.
In an enlarged mouth, the children could even hear a sick tooth cry because it had not been brushed.

The program was very exciting for the children, and they kept so still that you could hear a needle drop.

The volunteers learned their lesson, too: Going to school in Albania is not so comfortable and easy as in Finland! The school way the children have to walk every day, in every weather is very different from the way they were used to.
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