ADRA Kyrgyzstan
Serving the local population since 1995
Operating under a fragile government, ADRA Kyrgyzstan seeks to foster stability through economic, educational, and agricultural development. The heart of our mission is ensuring that everyone has opportunities for empowerment, especially marginalized members of society. This takes the form of football camps, vocational training, and emergency response.
Make a difference around the worldKyrgyzstan Office
Igor Litvinov, Country Director
Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan
Additional Information
Capacity Statement Overview
ADRA Kyrgyzstan cares about relief and development, but we also care about kids having fun. With our football school in Tokmok, we have made both development and fun a reality. Four hours a week, 54 kids learn how to pass, how to shoot, and how to form teams. These children, most of whom are abandoned or impoverished, are given a complete uniform, including a pair of cleats and a jersey with the ADRA logo. More importantly, they are given an alternative to crime, addiction, and violence.
Along with other schools in the district, Tokmok travels and competes in tournaments, allowing each child to get time on the field. The team even won the final championship in August 2014.
Our website further highlights the projects, programs, and people of ADRA Kyrgyzstan.
Country Overview
In the past four years, Kyrgyzstan has survived two revolutions. Today, the government remains unstable, and ethnic tensions continually threaten the nation. Though official statistics indicate that 35 percent of the population lives in poverty, private agencies say it may be as high as 80 percent, with most citizens lacking access to basic education, public health and services, and programs for vulnerable groups.