Child Protection Law Against Violence training in Ramazan Jangozi school, in Thumana.
In this training school teachers, psychologists and CPU/Municipality workers were informed about the juridical aspects of the law that protects children’s rights and its mechanisms. The training was directed by University Lecturer and Lawyer Mrs. Florion Bejleri.

Trajnimi mbi Ligjin e Mbrojtjes se Femijeve kunder Dhunes
Ky trajnim u zhvillua me mesuesit e shkolles Ramazan Jangozi ne Thumane, psikologet si edhe punonjesit social te Bashkise dhe NJMF-ve rreth aspektit ligjor te ligjit qe i vjen ne mbrojtje te Drejtave te femijeve dhe mekanizmave te tij. Trajnimi u drejtua nga Lektori ne Universitetin e Shkencave Sociale dhe Juristi Z. Florion Bejleri.
