Awareness Rising in Larushk village
Sot, u organizua nje tjeter fushate sensibilizuese ne lidhje me mbrojtjen e mjedisit, kesaj radhe ne bashkepunim me shkollen Hajdar Hoxha ne Fshatin Larushk.
Fokusi kryesor i ketij sensibilizimi ishin vete femijet, per te treguar me shume kujdes per ambjetin ku jetojne. Mesues dhe femije te shkolles, stafi dhe vullnetarte te ADRA-s u angazhuan ne pastrimin e oborrit te shkolles dhe ambjentit perreth. Ne kuader te kesaj fushate ADRA Albania siguroi kosha mbeturinash.
Today, another environmental awareness campaign was organized, this time in cooperation with the Hajdar Hoxha school in the village of Larushk.
The main focus of this sensitization activity were the children themselves, to show more care for the environment they live in. Teachers, children, ADRA staff and volunteers engaged in cleaning the school yard and the surrounding environment. Recycle bins were provided for this school as part of the campaign.